ZQS 2017 Quilt Show History

From the very beginning, the Pinetree Quilters’ Guild has had a history of successful quilt shows that have served to showcase the talents of Guild members and to share with a broader audience the activities of the Guild. As the Guild has grown, so has the scope of the shows, from a comparatively tiny 6 hour show of 50 entries to the current large-scale productions that encompass several days, hundreds of entries, and a variety of quilting-related activities. Since 1996, the Pinetree Quilters’ Guild has held its shows triennially.  The chart below gives links to all our shows and will be updated after every show.

From July, 1996, the series of quilt shows were titled “Collaborations” to reflect the co-operative spirit that quilting embodies, whether it is amongst those who sit and stitch around a frame at a “bee”, the sharing of patterns, ideas, and assistance that a Guild embodies, or the relationship that the Guild enjoyed with other organizations in producing the shows. As of 2008, the show will become the “Muskoka Quilt Show”, recognizing that our membership and activities are especially representative of this unique area of Ontario.

June 6, 7, 2014 9th. Tri-Annual Quilt Show
“Muskoka Quilt Show 2014”
J.D. Lang Activity Park (Bracebridge Fairgrounds) ***331 Fraserburg Rd. Bracebridge – Wheelchair accessible
210 quilted items in several categories plus displays by groups
56 contributors
15 quilts show in the Antique Quilts Bed Turning
Attendance: 626 plus all the free men.

June 17,18, 2011

8th. Tri-Annual Quilt Show
“Muskoka Quilt Show 2011”
Independent, large scale, J.D. Lang Activity Park (Bracebridge Fairgrounds)
198 quilted items in 4 categories, plus displays by groups
54 contributors out of a membership of 120+
Attendance: 655
June 2008 7th. show
“Muskoka Quilt Show 2008”
Independent, large scale, J.D. Lang Activity Park (Bracebridge Fairgrounds)
256 items in 4 categories, plus displays by groups
55 contributors out of a membership of 110+
Attendance: 700
July 2005 6th. show
“Collaborations IV”
Independent, large scale, Gravenhurst Centennial Centre
170 items shown
49 contributors out of a membership of 110+
Attendance: 660
July 2002 5th. show
“Collaborations III”
Held in conjunction with Pioneer Power Show
Unknown number of items shown
49-88 members (membership opened over the course of the intervening three years)
Attendance: unknown
July 1999 4th. show
“Collaborations II”
Held in conjunction with Pioneer Power Show
Unknown number of items shown
48 members
Attendance: unknown
July 1996 3rd. show
Held in conjunction with Pioneer Power Show
88 items shown
22 members
Estimated attendance:883
July 1992 2nd. show
40 items shown
Entries limited to members
13 members
Attendance: 300
August 1991 Our 1st. show.
Guild established in February 1991
Open Entry
6 hour show
50 quilts and quilted items
5 members
Attendance: 250